Chiropractor Dallas Tx - You Could Be a Champion in the Making, Too!
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I am a Champion In The Making. Even though I have gotten on into the golden years of my life, I have not yet landed my life long dream. That is to come to be independently wealthy. However; I now have a new 'Mind Set'. I have attached my testimonial for your reading pleasure. (At least, I hope you will find it to be your reading pleasure).
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How is You Could Be a Champion in the Making, Too!
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We can never know what life has in store for our tomorrows, we can only make the best of what we have today. If we take the time to analyze our yesterdays, ask ourselves what pleased us the most, or what it was that we let it bring us to our knees. Directions in focus, we are prepared and will move to new plateaus. Only me, and me alone, can cast blame, can allow failure, and I can wallow in my self-pity as the world passes me by. Or. . . When Sunshine Prevails, I can be a survivor of the storm. I can sprout from the ruins of life's destruction, I can grow from within the brambles, and I will blossom into prosperity. Then I can harvest the plenty of what life has to offer. Now I share with you my story. . .
I grew up in a small north Texas community. My Daddy was illiterate and my Mother, Mama, was a graduate of the 8th grade, which in the 1920s was the max study required. I worked hard on the farm as my family struggled to survive, just as many people did in that era. I was born youngest of five children. Each of us attained a high school diploma, and some college; however, only my oldest brother earned a college degree.
I felt it was valuable to share that facts with you in order that you will great understand the determination I possess to corollary in life.
I have been active and outgoing all of my life. My daddy would say, and I quote, " Sister, you would work yourself to death just to stay out of work."
Where are you going with this story? You ask. And maybe I do not know; but if you will bear with me, I will try to make it readable, believe me my life has admittedly been interesting, crazy, but interesting. To avoid boring you immensely I will skip my youth and school days, even the early part of my adult life. Maybe someday I will reflect. Then if you are curious, you can resume to reproduce mentally my uncomplicated life filled with fond memories. Recollections that are exhilarating, crazy, sad, and some moments of horror.
I will begin my story for you as I return in my minds eye to the year 1975. My son, Wesley, was 3 years of age. He had been born down syndrome. That is a story within its own.
My story begins when Wesley was suffering pneumonia, for, probably the twentieth time of his young life. Our family physician had said, "We have done all we can medically do for your son. You need to put in order yourselves and your family. You are going to loose your son."
To help you to understand the situation we were enduring. Tiny Wesley had not slept over 2 to 3 minutes at a time in over two weeks, I was begging the physician to give him medication to help him to sleep, to rest. And; moreover, my husband, my mother-in-law, and I were exhausted. For two weeks we had taken turns letting Wesley lay his head on our shoulder, retention him in an upright position so he could breathe. His Tiny body had been in an upright position all of this time.
Later; we were told that he could not have laid down, flat, because he would have drown in his own body fluids that were collecting in his lungs. You see, Wesley, had a hole in his heart, and it was located in the A/V canal, which is smack in the middle of the four chambers of the heart. At that time it was said that surgery was possible, but the chance of survival was less that 25%. And, if he did survive it could maybe leave him in a vegetarian state. My husband and I shared the story with his mum and my parents. We all agreed that God had given us this high-priced child to love, and we would let God, not mankind, share with the burden of survival.
Thus forth; we were blessed to enjoy our 'Tasmanian Devil' for 23 years. Why did I mention the Tasmanian Devil? You ask. Well, that is a jovial name, given to Wesley by his sister, Amy and me, that we had tagged on a mischievous, lovable little boy, that filled every heart that he touched with fond memories. His life and death is other story. Quite interesting, I might add.
Because of the endless time that we devoted to Wesley and his health issues, I felt that Amy, his loving sister, was neglected by her parents. Therefore; when Amy started to school, I decided to get complex in her school activities in order that I would be able to spend more potential time with her.
Little did I know that was the starting of whole new world for me. Because soon afterwards, I also, got complex in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary Post 5076, and then the Parent educator Association, Pee Wee Cheerleaders, special Olympics, plus being a Mom and housewife; and a full time employee. I had come to be very very active; maybe to active. But I loved every Tiny of my community service.
I am one that never goes into any situation slowly. I lung into new projects as if it were a burning building and I the only one to abolish the flames.
My physician told me repeatedly, "Hazel, you gotta stop burning the candle at both ends. You are piling to many straws on your load." I had no idea what he meant by that comment, until one day , I went to him for help because my back and legs hurt constantly. He diagnosed me as having rheumatoid arthritis, and said. "I am a physician that has to eat his words. I no longer want you to stop burning the candle at both ends. I want you to light that candle in the middle. Because if you do not fight this disease you will be in a wheel chair before you are forty years of age." Then a few months later, I was diagnosed as having duplicate scoliosis, and was again told I would soon be in a wheel chair.
"Not if I can help it." I remember reasoning as I tried to visualize how it would be to be restrained to confinement.
With the help of a chiropractor, Dr. Ann Klesmit, of Garland, Texas, I was able to get my scoliosis in control, and with proper exercise and occasional adjustments I do pretty good.
I was employed full time with Safeway Supermarket as the front end manager and booth cashier. I loved my job, my customers, and my co-workers . Our boss, the store manager, was the best. We, employees and customers, were one big family. Then it happened, Safeway shut her doors in the state of Texas. The enterprise went out of business, and we were out of a job. Suddenly that was the straw that my physician had cautioned me to be prepared for. Yet I was not prepared.
I began falling into depression states, slowly at first. I knew I was not myself, but I did not know why. I did not understand that the load of straws was growing, now at a accelerated speed.
Then, our Wesley went to live with the angels, and even though we had lived his entire life knowing that this day would be a challenge that we would have to infer with, it admittedly was not easy and we were not prepared. We had idea we were. . . But, that is an impossible test.
By this time my depression was very inevitable and a real problem. I was on medication, Zoloft, and it did help. Suicide reeked my thoughts on a daily basis, but I could not think of a way to take my life that would not leave a scar on my family. So I endured the bleakness of my life.
The fifteen years following the closure of Safeway was probably the most down years of my life.
After Wesley died, my husband and I moved to a small town in north Texas. A very small town compared to Dallas. Later my mum moved in with us. She had been diagnosed with dementia, and we feared for her safety. In 2000 she had a severe heart attack, and that was the starting of her battle for life.
Mama lived to be 94 years of age, but the last 2 or 3 years was very hard for her and the people who loved her. She was suffering Alzheimer's disease, and was often in a confused state. From the starting she had gone with me wherever I went. But after the dementia progressed to Alzheimer's disease I would sometime leave her with my husband. But then, if I was not at home with her, she would endeavor to runaway. Therefore; it got to the point that I would stay at home with her instead of leaving her with my husband. I would seldom leave her; thus we come to be shut-ins. A cop out; perhaps, but I did what I felt I had to do.
By now my depression was so bad, that I was taking 200 mg of Zoloft daily, plus hydroxyzine 50 mg for anxiety attacks. I now had high blood pressure and was on medication for that. My back hurt constantly. I could feel my life diminish day by day. My husband is not well, and has suffered a mini stroke. He has a hole in his heart, plus and aneurysm about a centimeter above the hole in his heart.
Then, I was diagnosed as having ovarian cancer.
I had no option but to put Mama in the nursing home, and had intended to bring her home after I recovered from my surgery.
The next six months was a battle. I went straight through the surgery with a breeze. Then the chemo, began. The chemo treatments were no problem; but then I began to get infections, them compounded by my rescue from surgery was a nightmare.
My resistance bottomed out.
In a six month span, I was in the hospital six times. And I was put into quarantine, which I did not understand at the time because I had never before been seriously ill in my life, other than the depression. And I did not think that an illness. (Depression is a plague in my opinion.) Albeit, yes, Depression is a very serious illness. It is a disease that is so misunderstood by many people.
Finally, I was getting my compel built up enough that I could think bringing Mama home, or at least start visiting her more often and helping with the residents entertainment.
However, that was not meant to be. Mama's lungs collapsed. She struggled for almost a week; only able to share a blank stare with her loved ones. Then she decided it was time to take her walk with the angels, at which time she slipped silently into eternity, she was bless to be surrounded by all her children.
My Mama, my best friend, was now with our Wesley, and Grandad. And I miss her. I miss them. I miss all of them. And writing this sentence made me cry. I cry because I am lonely, I cry because life is short, I cry because when I reflect, I see the things I took for granted, and I would give my all to make right my wrongs. We know that cannot be.
Now that you know part of my story, you can great understand why I needed inevitable guidance in my life. I needed a map to help me select the roads I need to tour in order to get my life back into focus.
I want to find the road to prosperity. Prosperity of happiness. Prosperity of contentment. And. Yes, prosperity of a victorious business.
I need to pay my curative bills that are two years pending, and bill collectors are hounding me daily. Plus, reputation cards are maxed and need to be paid off.
Then it happened...Some one from Global Cash Flow Network sent me an eMail; which I found it in my junk mail, and my bright mind had to see that miracle message. That junk mail message has changed my life.
I signed up for Mary Gersten's course. She sent me a gift "The Tiny Green Book", and an invitation to join her mentor, Dan Kucshell's Protgege Mentoring Program. At that time I signed up for A Champion Vision.
I had probably heard the quote, "Mind Set." But I had never taken the time to think the impact it could have on my life.
I took Mary Gersten's guidance and read "The Tiny Green Book'. Then I began reading the notebook The Prosperity Based Living', and listening to Dan Kucshell's videos, plus I listened to one of Ryan Pearson's workshops. I can just feel the inevitable adrenaline begin to flow, and my Mindset' has already accelerated.
I am now 62 years of age, and I have many, many milestones to boost, but I have yet to come to be a millionaire. And I know that is a fact that will be introduced to me soon!
I have begun to found my home, my office, and most of all my life. I find myself, looking send to getting out of bed. I find myself wanting to enjoy life. I know that I am now ready to fulfill my nick name, Sunshine, given to me by my Ladies Auxiliary peers.
Thank you for taking the time to read my testimonial.
And Thank You, Dan Kucshell and your staff members, for making my dream, awaken." I am proud to be a part of your Protege Program. I now have 'A Champion Vision'.
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You Could Be a Champion in the Making, Too!.
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